Enlarge the borders of my heart
and my capacity to recieve
increase the sphere of my faith
that I may learn to believe
Do these things for me, oh God
my face, my heart presents
this ground of prayer so holy
a golden altar of incense
Let me climb the mountain
I know you’re up there waiting
call to me, and I’ll approach
a heart anticipating
My tears…they say, “if only”
You’d let me see Your glory
the glory of Your Son
interwoven through Your story
A treasure I found, well hidden away
overlooked these many years
oh where have I been…in ignorance true
Your word so far – but yet so near
Is this what these men of long ago saw,
the ones recorded in Your law?
the ones who devoted, inquired, and searched
and gave their lives to see it all
Oh the pearls, the gems, the coins
just there for the taking
a treasure in the field
the field? my heart You’re making
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